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My curriculum vitae.

My Google Scholar page.

My page at Uni Tübingen.

My mathematics master thesis: An expansion of the Eilenberg-MacLane Theorem from simplicial sets and groups to simplicial sheaves and sheaves of abelian groups.

My physics bachelor thesis: A justification of rotating from real to imaginary time, a well known trick for calculating Feynman path integrals.

My mathematics bachelor thesis: The construction of two topoi that have a number line with nilsquare infinitesimals.

A generalization of the Tannaka Duality for finite groups with arbitrary fields. (Seminar exposé)

A seminar exposé together with Viet-Anh Nguyen on integrable models in statistical mechanics, the Young-Baxter equation and quantum groups (french).

A 2D representation of some Italian artworks.